Therapeutic exercise quiz

 1. The effect of two non-linear systems acting at a common point can be determined by finding out their resultant, which can be determined by____

a. simple arithmetic addition

b. law of triangle

c. law of parallelogram

d. cosine law

2. Pulleys are used to _______.

a. Make the work easy

b. Alter the direction of motion

c. Gain mechanical efficiency

d. All the above

3. Knee flexion in prone lying is an example of_______.

a. 1st order lever

b. 2nd order lever

c. 3rd order lever

d. 4th order lever

4. ________ order lever is the lever of speed.

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. All

5. In a pulley maximum resistance force is produced when the angle of pulley is

a. In line with the moving bone

b. 90° to the moving bone

c. 60°with moving bone

d. 45° with the moving bone

6. 2nd order lever is the lever of_______.

a. Stability

b. Instability

c. Speed

d. Efficiency

7. In our body more numbers of _______ order levers are present

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. 4th

8.  ___ order lever is the lever of power.

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. All

9.Nodding movement of head is the example of _______ order lever.

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. 4t

10. Ankle DF/PF takes place ________.

a. Saggital plane & frontal axis

b. Frontal plane & saggital axis 

c. Transverse plane & vertical axis 

d. Coronal plane & horizontal axis

.11. The degrees of freedom of the MCPJ of fingers is____.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans:- b

12. Elbow flexion in mid-prone position is done by brachioradialis muscle; lifting 10  kg dumb-bell converts it from _____.

a. 1st to 2nd order lever

b. 2nd to 3rd order lever

c. 3rd to 4th order lever 

d. 3rd to 1st order lever all 

Ans:- b

13.  The characteristics of any starting position ______.

a. Stable

b. Comfortable

c. Provide room for full range of motion

d. All of the above

Ans:- d

14. Active fixation can be achieved by _____.

a. Co contraction of muscles

b. Straps

c. Manual pressure

d. Non of the above

Ans:- a

15. In normal standing, line of gravity passes_______the knee joint.

a. In front of 

b. Behind

c. Through

d. Lateral to

Ans:- a

16.Muscle is most efficient in______ range.

a. Outer

b. Outer part of middle 

c. Inner part of middle 

d. Inner

Ans:- b

17.Mechanically the assistance/ resistance are most effective when it acts at ___.

a. Acute angle

b. Obtuse angle

c. Perpendicular

d. 0 degree

Ans:- c

18.Anterior pelvic tilt is produced by ________.

a. Hip extensors and abdominals

b. hip flexors and lumbar extensors

c. Hip adductors and trunk side flexors

d. Non of the above

Ans:- b

19.Stretching is the _____.

a. Slow and sustained forced passive movement

b. Sudden but controlled forced passive movement

c. Relaxed passive movement

d. Manipulation


20.Friction is the resistive force offered by the surface, when one surface moves over 

the other, which is____.

a. Directly proportional to the area of the surface in contact

b. Nature of the surface

c. Weight of the moving object

d. all of the above

Ans:- d

21.Pronation and supination take place on ______.

a. Sagittal plane and frontal axis

b. Frontal plane and sagittal axis

c. Transverse plane and vertical axis

d. Coronal plane and horizontal axis

Ans:- c

22.Forearm pronation range of motion is limited due to _______.

a. Bony contact

b. Soft tissue approximation

c. Soft tissue tension

d. Tension of ligament

Ans:- b

23.Finger walking on the wall to touch a mark is an example of ____ exercise.

a. Passive 

b. Subjective free 

c. Objective free

d. Assisted

Ans:- b

24. Natural speed for every active exercise varies from individual to individual and in the same individual from time to time. Choose the correct answer regarding the 

speed of movement.

a. Movement at natural speed requires greater muscular effort and control

b. Movement at reduced speed requires optimal force

c. Movement at increased speed requires strong muscular effort

d. All of the above


25.Muscles are most often used in the middle range during activities of daily livings, 

so most efficient within this range.

a. Exercise in outer range is used for muscle re-education

b. Exercise in middle range is used for muscle tone and power

c. Exercise in inner range is used for training stabilization

d. All of the above

Ans:- d


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