
Showing posts from September, 2021

Anatomy MCQ 1

                ANATOMY  MCQ  1 Hello  Friends, Welcome  to" Physioquiz  " Today  ,We  will  discuss  the some important  Questions  related to general  Anatomy  .These are  the some  most important  Questions  which  are previously  asked in many medical  examinations . The most important  General  Anatomy  Questions  are  , 1)  How  many  no of cranial  nerves  are there, a)  12 pair b)  14  pair  c)   15 pair d)   16 Pair                    Ans :- a 2) The " Voice Box Of Body "Is Called , a)  Larynx  b) Pharynx  c) Trachea  d) Non of these                                           ...

RPSC Physiotherapy Requirment 2020 solved mcq ,Physiotherapy mcq,

Hello  Friends   Welcome to Physioquiz  . As You know  on this  channel  we  prepares for the most important  questions  related to Various Competitive  exams like RPSC ,Crpf ,RRB  Junior physiotherapy  etc . So Today ,I am also here  for some most important  physiotherapy  questions . 1) Jaipur foot may not be appropriate for BK  amputees with………………………  A) Long stump  B) Medium stump  C) Short stump  D) Knee disarticulation                     Ans :- A                                 2) For a patient having foot drop the orthosis  recommended is:  A) KAFO  B) HKAFO  C) HFO  D) AFO                                        ...

RPSC Physiotherapy Requirment solved mcq

 Hello  Freinds welcome to Physioquiz, 

MPMSU previous years Question papers,Important exam questions for physio...
