Physiology Quiz

 Physiology  Quiz 

1. Thickness of the cell membrane ,

A) 75 to 111 A°

B) 80 to 100 A°

C) 90 to 150 A°

D) Non of  above.

Ans :- A

2. Types if organs  in  the body 

A) Hollow Organs

B) Parenchymal  Organs 

C) Non of Above

D) A and B both

Ans:- D

3.  Protein  synthesis  is a function  of ,

A. Rough endoplasmic  retinaculum

B. Smooth endoplasmic   retinaculum

C. Ribosome 

D. A and c

Ans:- D

4  Processing, packaging, labeling and delivery of proteins and lipids occurs  in,

A. Golgi Apparatus 

B. Lysosome

C. Mitochondria 

D. Cytoskeletal

Ans:- A

5. shipping department of the 

cell’. Is  called, 

A. Nucleus 

B. Ribosome.

C. Golgi Apparatus 

D. Lysosome 

Ans:-  c

6.  ‘garbage system’  of   cell is, 

A.  ER

B. Lysosome

C. Nucleus

D. Cell  membrane 

Ans:-  B 

7.power house’ or ‘power  plant’ of  cell is ,

A. Nucleus 


C .  Mitochondria 

D.  Cytoplasm 

Ans:- c

8. ‘protein factories’  of  cell is  ,

A.  Endoplasmic retinaculum 

B.  Mitochondria 

C  . Ribosome 

D.  Nucleus 

Ans:- c

9. Atmospheric pressure is important in the process of:

a) Breathing

b) Reproduction

c) Blood flow

d) Micturition

Ans:- a

10. Which circulation has predominant metabolic control?

a)  Renal

b) Liver

c) Lung

d) Splanchnic

Ans:- d

11.Which of the following is essential for blood clotting?

a) RBC

b) wbc

C) Blood platelets

d) Lymph

Ans:- c

12. The sailva helps in the digestion of

a) Proteins

b) Fats

c) Fibers

d) Starch

Ans:- d

13. The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is

a) 280

b) 290

c) 300

d) 310

Ans:- d

14. Which of the following organisms have book lungs?

  1. Spider
  2. Ant
  3. Penguin
  4. Sealion

Ans:- A

15. ECF volume is determined by: 
A. plasma [Na] 
B. plasma protein concentration 
C. the amount of sodium in the ECF

Ans:- c

16.The water content of lean body mass is: 
A. 30 ml/100 g 
B. 50 ml/100 g 
C. 70 ml/100 g 
D. highly variable

Ans:- c

17. Most of the ATP generated in nerve cells is 
utilized to energize the: 
A. Na-Ca exchanger 
B. H-ATPase in the cell membrane 
C. Na-K ATPase 
D. synthesis of proteins

Ans:- c

18. Which of the following contributes least to the 
osmolality of plasma? 
A. Glucose 
B. Proteins 
C. Sodium 
D. Urea

Ans:- b


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