Pt neneuro quiz
Pt Neuro Important questions
Hello friends welcome to PHYSIOQUIZ .
Today we will discuss most important Physiotherapy questions .
1) The most prominent symptoms following posterior cerebral artery
occlusion is
a. Auditory
b. Apraxia
c. Visual
d. Motor
Ans:- c
2)Glasgow coma scale has _______________ points
a. 12
b. 10
c. 8
d. 15
Ans:- d
3)Severe brain damage scoring in Glasgow coma scale is
a. < 8
b. < 10
c. < 5
d. <15
Ans:- c
4) Key point control are described in ------------approach
a. Brunstorm
b. Bobath
c. Knot & Voss
d. Rood’s
Ans:- b
5)There are ---------------stages of recovery according to Brunstorm approach
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
Ans:- c
6)Infarction in angular gyrus will lead to--------------- apraxia
a. Anmesic
b. Global
c. Conduction
d. Pair word deafness
Ans :- a
7)Which neurological approach is exclusively applied for stroke patients?
a. Bobath
b. Brunstorm
c. Rood’s
d. Motor learning
Ans:- b
8)Which of the following is inhibitory in NDT?
a. Passive weight shifting
b. Active weight shifting
c. Joint traction –approximation
d. Tapping
Ans :- a
9)Which of the following is correct regarding motor learning?
a. Absolute errors are smaller for variable practice than constant practice
b. Performance is better in blocked practice during acquisition phase,
whereas performance is better in random practice during transfer phase.
c. Distributed practice improves performance is better than massed practice
d. All of the above
Ans :- d
10)Motor behaviour follows sensory stimulus is the assumption of------------
a. Bobath
b. Brunstorm
c. Rood’s
d. PNF
Ans :- c
11)According to Bobath’s NDT__
a. Postural control must be restored before limb control
b. Limb movements should be practiced before development of axial control
c. Normal movements should be given over abnormal tone
d. Abnormal synergy can be used to re-educate normal movements
Ans:- a
12)Which is the critical period of stroke rehabilitation
a. Acute stage
b. Intermediate stage
c. Discharge and transfer stage
d. Long term
Ans :- c
13)Parietal lobe lesion exhibit
a. Lack of sensory motor integration
b. Inability to interpret meaningful sensory information
c. Both a & b.
d. None
Ans :- a
14) Middle cerebral artery lesion will result in
a. Ipsilateral sensory loss of whole trunk
b. Contralateral sensory loss of upper limb, lower limb and face
c. Contralateral sensory loss of upper limb.
d. None
Ans :- b
15)Patients with subcortical lesion will have
a. Loss of sensation of upper limb contralateral
b. Loss of sensation of upper limb & lower limb contralateral
c. Loss of sensation upper limb, lower limb & face contralateral
d. Loss of sensation of upper limb, lower limb, trunk & face
Ans:- c
Anatomy Quiz:-1
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