Pt neuro Quiz 3

 Pt  Neuro  Quiz  
Part  :-3

1)  Loss of light touch sensation is ----
a. Atothiguranethesia
b. Dysethesia
c. Anesthesia
d. Aptopogrosia

                                              Ans:- a

2) Stroking across lateral border of foot elicits ----. Reflex.
a. Chaddock
b. Gordon
c. Oppeneim
d. Babinski


3) Meralgia parasthetica occurs in------------------ nerve.
a. Sciatic
b. Superficial peroneal
c. Lateral femoral cutaneous
d. Sural

                                               Ans:- c

4) Removal of somato-sensory (SII) area leads to ----
 a. Impairment of postural sense 
 b. Impairment of perception of shape of object
 c. Impairment of perception of both shape & texture of object 
 d. Impairment of perception of texture

                                                 Ans:- b

5) Decerebrate rigidity refers to
a. Sustained contraction and posturing of the trunk and limbs in a position of full 
b. Sustained contraction and positioning of the trunk and limbs in a position of full 
c. Sustained contraction and posturing of the trunk and the lower limbs in extension 
and the upper limbs in flexion
d. Strong and sustained contraction of extensors muscles of the neck, trunk and four 

                                               Ans:- b

6)  Thermanalgesia is
a. Inability to perceive heat
b. Inability to perceive sensation of heat and cold
c. Inability to perceive pain and temperature
d. None of the above

                                                      Ans:- a

7) Features of diabetic neuropathy
a. Mild and chronic
b. Affecting both sensory and motor nerve
c. Lower extremity involvement
d. b & c
e. a , b & c

                                            Ans:- e


8) The differentiating feature of diabetes from tabes is -------------.
a. Pain
b. Ataxia
c. Loss of tendon reflex in lower limb
d. Tender calf

                                               Ans:-  d

9) The differentiating feature of poly neuropathy from polio myelitis is
a. Muscle weakness
b. Muscle atrophy
c. No sensory involvement
d. Symmetrical muscle involvement

                                              Ans:- d

10) Which is not a feature of myasthenia gravis
a. Muscle weakness
b. Muscle wasting
c. Muscle fatigability
d. Fasciculation

                                                  Ans:- b

11) MND involves progressive degeneration of ---------------------
a. Anterior horn cells of in the spinal cord
b. Cells of lower cranial motor nuclei
c. Neurons of the motor cortex and pyramidal tract
d. All of the above

                                                 Ans:-  d

12) Apraxia is a result of lesion in 
a. Frontal lobe
b. Parietal lobe
c. Occipital lobe
d. Internal capsule

                                                      Ans:-  a

13) The dyskinesia which resembles fragments of purposive movement is
a. Dystonia
b. Chorea
c. Hemiballismus
d. Athetosis


14) The physiological basis of spasticity is
a. Increased fusimotor innervation by dynamic gamma motor neuron
b. Decreased presynaptic inhibition
c. Loss of reciprocal innervation and recurrent inhibition
d. a& b
e. a,b&c


15)  An uniform resistance at all points of range during relaxed passive movement is 
known as
a. Clasp knife
b. Lead pipe
c. Cog wheel
d. All of the above

                                                             Ans:-  b

16) Oppenheim’s reflex is
a. Extension of great toe with firm moving pressure on the skin over tibia
b. Stroking on inner border elicits flexor response
c. Stroking outer border of sole elicits ankle dorsi flexion
d. None of the above

                                                        Ans:-  a

17) The spinal Segment for ankle jerk is
a. L5
b. L5S1
c. S1S2
d. S1

                                                        Ans:-  c

18)  Horner’s syndrome is associated with
a. Myositis
b. Anhydrosis
c. All of them
d. None of them

                                                         Ans:-  b

19)   In writer’s cramp 
a. An act is impaired
b. Individual movements which compose the act are impaired
c. Similar activities are affected
d. Associated with sensory loss

                                                               Ans:- a

20) Transient ischemic attack usually defined if neurological deficit recovers with in
a. 24 hours
b. 48 hours
c. > 24 hours< 7days.
d. > 7 days.

                                          Ans:-  a

21)  Chorea is due to involvement of 
a. Subthalamic nucleus
b. Caudate & putamen
c. Substantia nigra
d. Basal ganglia

                                                  Ans:-  b

Worm like involuntary movement is
a. Chorea
b. Dystonia
c. Athetosis
d. Hemiballismus

                                          Ans:- c

Dysdiadokokinesia is a feature of 
a. Basal ganglia lesion
b. Cerebellar lesion
c. Cortical lesion
d. None of the above

                                                 Ans :-  b

The hallmark of space occupying lesion in brain are
a. Papilloedema
b. Headache
c. Vomiting
d. b& c
e. a b,& c

                                                Ans:- e

Sixth nerve palsy can cause
a. Squint
b. Diplopia
c. Blindness
d. Ptosis

                                                     Ans:- b

Rythmic oscillation of the eye is------------.
a. Strabismus
b. Opthalmoplegia
c. Nystagmus
d. None of the above

                                                    Ans:-  c


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