Pt neuro quiz 5
Pt Neuro Quiz 5
1 ) Crede maneuver is clinically indicated autonomous bladder, if post void residual
urine is___________
a. Less than 50 – 100 CC
b. Less Than 100 – 120 Cc
c. Less than 120 – 150 CC
d. More than 150 CC
Ans :- a
2) A young complete SCI patient is having muscle power Hip flexors G4, Add. G4 , Quad. G 4 & other muscles G0 ; loss of sensation below L3 . Which type of aids will be more appropriate for his ambulation ?
a .Bil. HKAFO with bil. Axillary crutches
b .Bil. KAFO with bil. Axillary crutches
c .Bil. KAFO with bil. Elbow crutches
d. Bil. AFO with bil. elbow crutches
Ans:- d
3) Ipsilateral paralysis and dorsal column interruption with contralateral loss of pain & temperature
a. Central cord syndrome
b. Anterior cord syndrome
c. Brown sequard syndrome
d. Conus medullaris lesion
Ans :- c
4) A physical therapist asks a female patient suspected of S1 nerve root compression to try walking on her toes. This test aims to check for muscle weakness. Walking on toes aims to tests which of the following muscles of the lower extremity?
A. Flexor digitorum longus
B. Sartorius
C. Semimembranosus
D. Flexor digitorum brevis
Ans: - a
5) The cerebral cortex, the outer gray layer of the brain, is mainly responsible for conscious activities of the cerebrum. The cerebral cortex consist of four lobes. The Wernicke’s area for sensory and speech is located in which lobe?
A. Frontal
B. Occipital
C. Parietal
D. Temporal
Ans:- d
6) A patient demonstrates loss of muscle strength in all four extremities due to a spinal cord injury. Which of the following is accurately derived from the finding?
A. The injury in the spinal cord involves the first lumbar segment.
B. The patient’s abdominal muscle strength is intact.
C. The injury involves a segment below the first thoracic spinal nerve
D. The injury involves one of the cervical spinal nerves.
Ans :- d
7) A 25-year-old female gave birth to a male newborn with talipes equinovarus involving the right foot. In most cases of clubfoot deformities, which of the following is most commonly involved?
A. Toes
B. Foot instep
C. Ankle
D. Lateral mallelolus
Ans:- c
8) The mechanism of recovery after a stroke comes in two stages. The first stage of recovery occurs within the first three to six months. The second stage occurs after this time period. Which of the following changes are expected within the first three to six months after a stroke?
A. Development of new synaptic
B. Neuronal network changes.
C. Recovery of partially injured
D. Exposure of previously latent
functional pathways
Ans:- c
9) A female patient complaining of low back pain, leg pain, and weakness in the leg and foot is diagnosed with lumbar disk herniation. Lumbar disk herniation is best described by which of the following statements?
A. It involves localized bulging of the disk with annular fiber damage.
B. It involves injury to the corticospinal tracts.
C. It involves synovial hypertrophy and chronic inflammation of the facet joints.
D. It involves narrowing of the spinal
Ans:- a
10 ) Low back pain is frequently caused by lumbar disk disease, which is influenced by aging and degenerative cascade. What is the nomenclature specific to lumbar disk disease that involves breaking off of the disk fragment from the nucleus pulposus?
A. Disk bulge
B. Disk protrusion
C. Disk sequestration
D. Disk extrusion
Ans:- A
11) Brunnstrom classified the stages of motor recovery into six stages. On assessment, relative independence of the limb synergies and waning spasticity are noted on the patient’s affected side. Arm raising to a side horizontal position and bringing of hand over the head are also recorded. These findings indicate what stage of motor recovery?
A. 2
B. 3
Ans:- 5
12) A female patient reveals that there are times when her hands usually fall asleep. On history taking, the patient says that things usually slip from her fingers, without her noticing. The numbness is usually severe at night. Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered. The physical therapist understands that this condition is caused by a damaged:
A. Radial nerve
B. Ulnar nerve
C. Median nerve
D . Axillary nerve
Ans:- c
13 ) A nerve root is the portion of a peripheral nerve root that connects the nerve to the spinal cord. The nerve roots usually arise from each level of the spinal cord. In the cervical spine, which of the following nerve roots is the most commonly compressed?
A. C6
B. C7
C. C5
D. C8
Ans:- a
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