Therapeutic Exercise Quiz 2

 Therapeutic   Exercises  Quiz  2

1.Example of passive insufficiency is _____.

a. Hip flexion with knee extension

b. Fingers flexion with wrist extension

c. Ankle df with knee flexion

d. Shoulder external rotation with abduction

Ans:- a

2. Limitation of finger abduction is due to tension of _____.

a. Skin

b. Muscles

c. Ligament

d. Bone

Ans:- a

3.End feel of _______ is bony.

a. Knee extension

b. Elbow extension

c. Ankle df

d. Forearm supination

Ans:-  b

4. Forced passive movement is contraindicated for _______ joint.

a. Hip

b. Knee

c. Elbow

d. Spine

5. Joint mobilization is contraindicated in _______.

a. Soft tissue tightness

b. Joint stiffness

c. Loose body inside the joint

d. Bursitis

Ans:- c

6. Glenohumeral anterior glide can improve

a. Extension range

b. Flexion range

c. Extension and external rotation

d. Flexion and internal rotation range

Ans:- c

8. Kaltenborn has described _____________ grades

a. 4

b. 3

c. 5

d. None of the above.

Ans:- c

9. Ankle traction can improve _____ range of motion.

a. Plantar flexion

b. Dorsi flexion

c. Inversion

d. Eversion

Ans:- b

10.The end feel of loose body inside the joint is _________.

a. Elastic

b. Hard

c. Leathery

d. Springy rebound

Ans:- d

11.Leathery end feel is characteristic of ________.

a. Soft tissue tightness

b. Capsular tightness

c. Bony obstruction

d. Internal derangement

Ans:- d

12.An axial suspension the part rests in ____ position.

a. Neutral

b. Away from neutral

c. Above the supporting surface

d. Flexion

Ans:- b

13.Pulley rope in suspension therapy is used to ________.

a. Elevate the part from the supporting surface

b. Permits 3d pattern of movements

c. Allow frictionless to and fro movements

d. All of the above

Ans:- d

14.Pendular suspension is used to improve the JROM by shifting the fixed point ___

a. Towards the direction of motion

b. Opposite to the direction of motion

c. Upward

d. Downward

Ans:- a 

15.PNF was developed by________.

a. Kabat & Knott

b. Knot & Voss

c. Car & Shepherd

d. Dardiner & Hollis

Ans:- a

16.Which of the following PNF techniques is used in Cerebellar ataxia?

a. Repeated contraction

b. Hold & relax

c. Rhythmic initiation

d. Rhythmic stabilization

Ans:- c

17.Progression of Frenkel’s exercise is made by alteration of ____.

a. Speed- Quick to slow

b. Range- wider to smaller

c. Complexity of exercises

d. All of the above

Ans:- d

18. In PNF elbow flexion is a component of __________.

a. Flexion- abduction – external rotation

b. Flexion- adduction – external rotation

c. Extension- abduction – internal rotation

d. all of the above

Ans:- d pendular suspension takes place in _______ plane.

a. Horizontal

b. Inclined plane

c. Sagittal

d. Frontal

Ans:- a

20.Progression of Frenkel’s exercise is made by alteration of ____.

a. Speed- Quick to slow

b. Range- wider to smaller

c. Complexity of exercises

d. All of the above

Ans:- d

21.Rhythmic Initiation technique is used for ________.

a. Tightness

b. Flaccid paralysis

c. Cerebellar ataxia

d. Parkinsonism

Ans:- c


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