RPSC Physiotherapy Requirment 2020 solved mcq ,Physiotherapy mcq,

Hello  Friends   Welcome to Physioquiz  . As You know  on this  channel  we  prepares for the most important  questions  related to Various Competitive  exams like RPSC ,Crpf ,RRB  Junior physiotherapy  etc .

So Today ,I am also here  for some most important  physiotherapy  questions .

1) Jaipur foot may not be appropriate for BK 
amputees with……………………… 

A) Long stump 
B) Medium stump 
C) Short stump 
D) Knee disarticulation                     Ans :- A

2) For a patient having foot drop the orthosis 
recommended is: 
D) AFO                                                  Ans :-  D 

3) Which is not a contraindication of infrared
A) Psoriasis 
B) Defective arterial cutaneous circulation 
C) Dermatitis 
D) Defective blood pressure regulation    Ans :- A 


4) A physical therapist performs a manual 
muscles test on the primary hip abductor. The therapist should perform the test while 
palpating the: 
A) Rectus femoris 
B) Gluteus medius 
C) Sartorius 
D) Gluteus minimus                   Ans :- B 

5) The unit of ultrasound is: 
A) Watts 
B) Watts/cm2 
C) Volts/sqinch 
D) Newton 
                                                             Ans :-  B 

For  More Questions   Follow  me  and  Also click on the  Video  . 


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