Pt Neuro Quiz Part :-3 1) Loss of light touch sensation is ---- a. Atothiguranethesia b. Dysethesia c. Anesthesia d. Aptopogrosia Ans:- a 2) Stroking across lateral border of foot elicits ----. Reflex. a. Chaddock b. Gordon c. Oppeneim d. Babinski Ans:-a 3) Meralgia parasthetica occurs in------------------ nerve. a. Sciatic b. Superficial peroneal c. Lateral femoral cutaneous d. Sural Ans:- c 4) Removal of somato-sensory (SII) area leads t...
Hello Friends Welcome to Physioquiz . As You know on this channel we prepares for the most important questions related to Various Competitive exams like RPSC ,Crpf ,RRB Junior physiotherapy etc . So Today ,I am also here for some most important physiotherapy questions . 1) Jaipur foot may not be appropriate for BK amputees with……………………… A) Long stump B) Medium stump C) Short stump D) Knee disarticulation Ans :- A 2) For a patient having foot drop the orthosis recommended is: A) KAFO B) HKAFO C) HFO D) AFO ...
PHYSIOTHERAPY QUIZ OF THE DAY 1) Which type of the joint is 5th Carpometacarpal joint? Pivot joint Plane Synovial joint Saddle joint Ball and Socket joint Ans:- Saddle joint 2) Most common site of ivory osteoma is:- Femur Humerus Skull Tibia Ans:- Shull 3) Dupuytren's contracture is fibrosis of, Sartorius Plantar fascia Palmar Fascia Nerves Ans :- Palmar Fascia 4) Adson's Test is perform in:- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Sclaneus Anticus syndrome Cervical Rib All of Above Ans:- All of Above 5) Fat embolism is due to, Femur Fracture Humerus fracture Rib Fracture Spine fracture Ans:- Femur Fracture 6) The most common nerve of forearm involve in Dupuytren's contracture is, Ulnar nerve Median nerve Radial nerve All of above. Ans:- Median Nerve
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